Why I have to use Covalent

2 min readFeb 24, 2021

As a professional trader, I know what data means to me better than anyone else. All the technical index on candle chart is built on data. The data of historical token price and accumulative calculations.

As a 5years software engineer, I know how vital the data is in the lifecycle of an application. The markets data can tell you where is the next hot topic and the user data determines what’s the next feature on our products.

Since the world is built on data, it is not only a summary of the past but more like a prediction on future. We learned from the history and we build the future on data. And that’s why I have to use Covalent every single day.

Covalent API

Covalent is a key player in the industry of Blockchain data. It provides a unified API to bring full transparency and visibility to assets across all blockchain networks. This is one place for all blockchain protocol’s data you will need. Taking a deep dive in their API page and it will open your eyes to the data world.

There are two classes of endpoints:

  • Class A — endpoints that return enriched blockchain data applicable to all blockchain networks, eg: balances, transactions, log events, etc.
  • Class B — endpoints that for a specific protocol on a blockchain, including AAVE, Compound, Maker, Sushiswap and many other Defi protocols.

Covalent team is actively integrating more and more major protocols on blockchain. The amazing part is that it’s not only about Ethereum but the cross chain features will be involved too.

Blockchain data is important for traders, dapps and many other Defi protocols. Covalent has reached a ton of partnership so far such as Matic, Skale, Frontier, Cryptosheets and many others as nobody can really live without data. If you are a beginner and want to explore what you can do with Covalent data, they also have a learning series which may open your eyes.

That’s why I cannot get rid of Covalent and it’s your time to get your hands on Covalent.

Covalent Website: https://www.covalenthq.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/covalent_hq

Telegram: https://t.me/CovalentHQ

